

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Banks - Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

You gotta love the beauty of the bank, no? god, i dont. They frustrate me. The other day, I wanted to get some food from McDonald's? right? so I used this nifty little feature where u text in and get ur account balance. So i text in and it tells me that i have about 21 dollars, so i go ahead and buy the food for about 5 dollars. well, the next day i check my balance again and it tells me i have negatuve 5.55! it is a bunch of bs if u ask me! i am going to go into the bank tomorrow and see if i cant get the overdraft fee removed. i doubt i will be able too, my luck doesnt run that way.

Have u had a similar experience? Email me and tell me about it! looneypyrodude@gmail.com

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Text Updating

Okay, so if whoever decides to read this hasn't noticed, my attempt at text-updating didn't work. I can't fit all I need to into a single text! So i shall try to remember to update from my old Android phone.
I really miss using this phone on a daily basis. I love this phone, even though I have become a slave to the "auto-text" feature on my Blackberry. I am such a text-talker now it isn't even funny :P... So if you see a few "u"'s or "r"'s or the like, please forgive me.
Anyways, I am as always, without much to talk about. i am considering puttong lyrics up, but there is no way i could do thay from my phone(s) without going crazy. We will see :).
I am gonna head to bed now, good night!

Follow my Twitter! http://twitter.com/looneypyrodude

Monday, December 14, 2009

Shoot, it broke that into 4 parts... Sorry everyone! I'll have to figure that out... Later :P nighty!
all :D
rs that it will still post as one blog entry, otherwise I'm not sure how this will work. As of right now, all I can say is this boy is hot hot hot!!!! Yo
u should check him out... http://imstars.aufeminin.com/stars/fan/taylor-lautner/taylor-lautner-20070121-201302.jpg Taylor Lautner everybody :)
Good night
Hey all my (hopefully) existing readers!
I'm having issues thinking of anything to really talk about, 'cept I hope if my text is longer than 160 characte

Anyone reading?

I need to know ... does anyone bother to read this? Haha. Or do I just waste my time? I dunno, I'll keep posting stuff like there's a thousand people reading, I'd just like to know if I have an audience. :) Haha. Email me! looneypyrodude@gmail.com

Sweet! I can update my blog from my phone now! So maybe I can start blogging about things that everyone will want to read about :) we will see.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Poem! 10/27

I am happy in this place,
Like what could be
Only described as a kid in a candy store
Very much so,
Every feeling I feel,
You have evoked in me.
Only to be intensified.
Understand this: I am not complaining,
That would be unjust, for
You have awaked a part of me left dormant, hopefully
To flourish and make you happy, cause that’s what I care about.

Yes, this is one of my poems written in a special way, maybe you can figure out the hidden part. It is quite easy.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Love Poem

This is a love poem I wrote for someone... Hehehe.... Now the world can see it :]
I'm sorry it doesn't have the greatest title ever, but the title I gave it is fitting, I guess. Cliche if nothing else.

I Love You

I hate what I’ve become
This slave to my feelings about You.
I want nothing more than to make you happy,
To please you.
I love you with everything I could ever give to anyone.
You have my everything,
But for some reason,
You can’t see it.
Won’t see it?
Shouldn’t see it?
I wish I could make you see,
Just all that you are to me.
Just all that I would do for you.
I would give you anything, everything.
I only wish I could get something back.
I love you.
You are my everything,
When I am empty on the inside,
You refill me.
You make me complete again.
Only you.
I love you.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Riddle me this, please.

Hm... is physical attraction a reason? Umm... how about the fact that I am so comfortable around you that it scares me? Ask anyone... I'm not this open with anyone... just you. And... I dunno. It scares me but something inside me tells me it is okay, not to worry. But then something else wants to shy away, but I can't. There is something about you that just ... idk, as cliche as this will sound, drives me crazy. I don't have to worry how I act around you, I donmt have to worry about you taking something the wrong way, I can be me, no strings attached. Doesn't mean I do, (appearances, rememeber?) But I could. And sorry I always get weird about this stuff, but I can't help it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

On the topic of Working...

I have officially decided that i hate my job, I hate working. Working makes my mind go "ka-put" and my butt wanna do the same. I am always so tired, but no one else seems to understand, except my Mommeh' of course. Who happens to have the WORST job EVER! Don't EVER work for Java Detour in Las Vegas, Nevada (Henderson). Unless the owner gets bought out, which really needs to happen.

For anyone who happens to accidentally stumble upon this, follow me on twitter! http://twitter.com/looneypyrodude Hope to see someone there :)

P.S. I've decided that I will try to keep a daily/nightly log of my thoughts here. Maybe something that piques my interests or something. I wanna be noticed too :P But I really don't want people to think I'm one of those concieted-type people who just want attention. I wanna talk about something that everyone cares about, too! so let me know if you happen to have a subject for me!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

To Thine Own Self Be True

I really love the movie "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry". :) "My whole life, I've been living a lie. But you and Laerry have given me the strength to be true to myself. 'To thine own self be true' There's nothing worse than pretending to be something that you're not." -Duncan

Call me weird, but that quote means a lot to me for some reason...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What the hell?

Wow. The last time I cried, it took my dad yelling at me for a while. This time all it took was for a friend to tell me that at some point I will be so shocked my someone that i wont have time to be shy, and that the next thing we know, him and his gf will be at my marriage. I started crying at that, wtf? O.o. --Joshy

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Something disturbing, to me...

Alright... I'm not the kind of person to use Public Restrooms if it can wait. But when I do have to use them, why is it that when I am walking through the door, I have to continually tell myself "I have just as much right as the next guy to use this bathroom."? I mean, i know that I am a guy, so why do I need to confirm it with myself? I don't dare blame it on some strange stereotype set into my head, but for some reason, I fear the worst... xoxo Joshy.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Am I the only one who thinks having friends is a pain in the ass? I mean, it is like either do what they say or die! I am so annoyed.

Anyways, has anyone read this at all? Does anyone check up on it? AT ALL?
Feedback would be nice ><;.

Email me, or something.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

So, it's been a while...

I realize that no one reads this, cause I'm really uninteresting, but for people who do read this, I wanna know what you think! I wanna be someone interesting, so email me at looneypyrodude@gmail.com and tell me something you think I should do in order to make myself interesting :) It can be anything, a video, a poem, anything! Use your imagination =]

Love ya!

PS: Tell people about me! XD (Yeah right)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A lil about me...

Well, what is there to say about me?

Music is my drug; I'm addicted.
Music is like candy: You have to throw away the wRappers. (I did that on purpose. I hope you get that.)
I like to read, write, watch movies, hang out with friends, text, IM, visit my mom, listen to music (obviously) and do stuff on the computers! There are other things, I am sure, but I cannot think about them at this point in time.
So that is a little bit of information about me, in this blog about Anything, Everything, and Nothing :D