

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Don’t Want No Drama Momma!

Has anyone ever seriously watched those shows like Maury, Jerry Springer, ect.? I mean, they can sometimes be entertaining. But really, who' really wants to hang their dirty laundry on National TV?! I guess Jerry Springer is all scripted, but I’ve only heard rumors of that, I wouldn’t know.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Maury, he is probably my favorite drama show host.

I mean right now, I’m watching this episode with this lady who has been on there 2 times before and her Boyfriend/Husband/Whatever wasn’t the father, and now they have ANOTHER baby and everything is fine, ‘cept now the guys Mom calls the show and everything is turned upside down? If you ask me, they just want their 15 minutes of fame again.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Long time, no post!

Unfortunately, I realize I don't post very much. But I forget, and I don't see much point haha. I mean, I don't think anyone actually reads this, All I get is a bunch of Spam comments with links to Asian sites. So if I actually do have in REAL readers, will you please comment this and tell me so? Because I don't see much point in me to rant on here if I don't have any readers! -Much Love, Josh.

Friday, February 19, 2010

HTML and CSS Crap!

So, I’m taking web design at school, right? Well, today in class I got bored and decided to teach myself how to do the CSS stuff on my website. Well, everything was working perfectly and I couldn’t have been happier!

Well, I come home and try to make my own website at home because I am bored out of my mind and want to teach myself more CSS stuff, but nothing is working! Grrrr…..

Monday, February 15, 2010

So this might be easier…

So I have this set up on my new laptop now where I can post better. I’ll try to be more regular, with the loss of my Android phone, I didn’t have mobile capability. Hehe. Anyways, more later.